Update 2

Hello again. Not much has been done, yet again, excepting that the story for the first part of the game is nearing being finalised. Actual game making is a bit difficult cause of… life, but I’m confident that once I make the tools, everything will go smoothly.

For now though, I’m starting to wonder about art style. GMTK’s videos on mind over magnet has made me doubt the capabilities of my pixel art, but we’ll see about that. 

Music is still varying in quality, so that will need to be worked on. I’m considering learning theory, but last time I tried that, I ran out of creativity juices, so idk. 

Overarching story is changing again, but not by much thankfully. The ending is a bit of a problem atm. Wish I could pull a toby fox and see it in a dream, as well as be as amazing at game design, story, and music. 

Uh… yh, hopefully I’ll have more to show for the next update, maybe a video or some music. Hope everything goes well for both of us till then.

Till next time!

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